
Daibo Coffee - Brewing Tools (A Coffee Pot)


To explain the brewing process, I will start with the coffee pot. It was almost 43 or 44 years ago when I first visited a place called CAFÉ DE L’AMBRE. I will never forget what I saw that day. I was moved by how the hot water, like a piece of thread, fell shimmering down the narrow spout of an enamel pot. The shop’s atmosphere and the water threading down the spout made me feel like I was in a dream. I am pretty sure that this was when I decided to use a muslin (nel drip) filter and a pot with a narrow spout. At the time, CAFÉ DE L’AMBRE did not sell its pots, so I bought a stainless-steel pot from a local hardware store, and then narrowed the spout on my own by tapping it with a hammer. This turned out much better than I imagined as its size and weight were just right. I ended up using that style pot for 40 years.

(Katsuji Daibo, “A Daibo Coffee Manual,” pp. 9-10)


He found the ideal material for his nel drip coffee: the thickest unbleached muslin with a single brushed side. He also modified a stainless-steel pot from a local hardware store, by narrowing the spout with a hammer to create for a very thin stream of water drips like the L'AMBRE coffee pot.